General Info

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San Joaquin County Department of Public Works

1810 East Hazelton Avenue, Stockton, CA 95205
(209) 468-3000

The overall mission of the San Joaquin County Department of Public Works is to plan, design, construct, operate and maintain the County infrastructure, which includes public roads, transportation systems, bridges, water, wastewater, channel maintenance and solid waste disposal systems of the County, in order to best serve the interests of the people. These systems are maintained to protect the health and welfare of the public and the County’s financial investments. Public Works also provides vehicle support for the County, including procurement support, heavy and light vehicle maintenance and repair, and daily rental services.

Standard Documents

Name * Description
0 Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
Pock Lane Improvements
The work is located in South Stockton. The work, in general, consists of repairing and resurfacing approximately 1 mile of roadway with asphalt concrete and placing approximately 3,650 LF of concrete walkway. Base Estimate Range between $1,025,700 and $1,266,800
02/20/2025 09:31 PM UTC
Flood Road Resurfacing
The work is located east of Linden. The work, in general, consists of repairing and resurfacing approximately 3.0 miles of roadway with asphalt concrete. Base Estimate Range between $1,135,000 and $1,398,000
02/20/2025 09:31 PM UTC
Slurry Seal Local Roads 2025
The work is located in various locations throughout the County. The work, in general, consists of repairing and applying a slurry seal to approximately 30 miles of existing urban roadways. Base Estimate Range between $1,300,000 and $1,590,000
02/20/2025 09:31 PM UTC
Mountain House Parkway Traffic Signal Synchronization Project, Federal Aid Project No. CML-5929(315)
The work is located at several intersections along Mountain House Parkway including the Town Hall in Mountain House, California. The work, in general, consists of installation of wireless radio system, fiber optic cables, and the traffic control system for Mountain House Parkway. The DBE Contract goal is 14 percent Base Estimate Range Between $196,000 and $240,000
03/13/2025 08:31 PM UTC
4 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority
The Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority (ESJGWA) desires to develop a pre-qualified on-call list of consultants to provide technical assistance with the implementation of its Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP). Specifically, the ESJGWA needs immediate assistance with implementing its Groundwater Monitoring Improvement Project (Project) which may include securing access to well drilling sites, permitting and environmental compliance, procurement and installation of instrumentation and hardware, procurement of well drillers, monitoring well construction management, maintenance plans, and overall delivery of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funded activities totaling $2.1 Million which expires at the end of 2026. Additional general technical capabilities such as groundwater modeling, groundwater statistics, hydrogeologic data analysis, and groundwater quality analysis are desirable should the need arise. Responses must be received by PUBLIC WORKS no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 25, 2024. SOQs received after this time will be rejected. A response constitutes a single PDF file containing the signed response as in the RFQ. Responses should be sent via email to: Brandon W. Nakagawa, P.E. Water Resources Coordinator South San Joaquin Irrigation District Staff to the ESJGWA
10/25/2024 11:00 PM UTC
Bollea Road Bridge Replacement over Bear Creek Bridge No 29C-473, Federal Aid Project No. BRLO-5929(236)
The work is located on Bollea Road at the Bear Creek bridge which is approximately 1,500 feet south of Highway 12 at the San Joaquin County and Calaveras County line near the community of Wallace. The work, in general, consists of demolishing the existing bridge, constructing a new 2-lane concrete structure with necessary appurtenances, adjusting approach roadways to conform with the new concrete structure, installing and removing a temporary bypass road and placing rock slope protection. The DBE Contract goal is 22 percent Base Estimate Range Between $2,013,000 and $2,461,000
10/17/2024 08:31 PM UTC
Mountain House Parkway Traffic Signal Synchronization Project, Federal Aid Project No. CML-5929(315)
The work is located at several intersection along Mountain House Parkway including the Town Hall in Mountain House, California. The work, in general, consists of installation of wireless radio system, fiber optic cables, and the traffic control system for Mountain House Parkway. The DBE Contract goal is 14 percent Base Estimate Range Between $196,000 and $240,000
10/03/2024 08:31 PM UTC
The San Joaquin County Department of Public Works (SJCDPW) requests technical proposals from qualified construction management (CM) firms to undertake, perform, and complete the tasks set forth in Request for Proposals – SJCDPW-RFP-24-07. The selected CM firm will perform professional and technical engineering services for the proposed Cotta Road Bridge Replacement Across Upland Canal, Federal Aid Project No. BRLO-5929(234). Estimated Construction Contract Award Date: December 9, 2025 Estimated Construction Contractor Start Date: January 2, 2026 (Bird Netting Only) Estimated Bridge Construction Start Date: May 1, 2026 Estimated Bridge Construction Duration: 126 days Total Estimated Contractor’s Contract (Netting + Bridge Construction) Duration: 207 Working Days The deadline for submitting technical proposals to SJCDPW will be no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, September 30, 2024. SJCDPW’s standard business practice strives to ensure that a consultant’s professional qualifications meet the needs and services to be performed, the payment method is appropriate, and the cost is fair and reasonable to the public agency. A copy of SJCDPW-RFP-24-07 is available to view at the Internet address: and . All prospective consultants must register for solicitation No. SJCDPW-RFP-24-07 in order to be added to the Proposers’ List and, if necessary, receive a Notice of Release of Addendum and information about the pre-proposal meeting. It is imperative that prospective consultants check the solicitation Web page often for the status and/or modifications. For general questions regarding the solicitation, please contact Mr. Nhan Tran, Management Analyst II, at the telephone number (209) 953-7452 or email: .
09/30/2024 11:00 PM UTC
San Joaquin County Department of Public Works (SJCDPW) requests technical proposals from qualified vendors to undertake, perform, and complete the tasks set forth in Request for Proposals (RFP) – SJCDPW-RFP-24-05A. The selected qualified vendor will perform professional services for the Countywide Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA). The SCADA project will allow for system monitoring and control elements for County managed districts. The purpose is to increase the longevity of current capital infrastructure, allow the ability to detect early failures more efficiently, reduce future utility maintenance and operations costs, and reduce complete replacement costs for these utility systems. The SJCDPW Utilities Maintenance Division operates and maintains 30 water distribution systems (including 52 wells), 70 storm drain pumps, 3 sewage treatment plants, and 9 sewage lift stations. These operations are conducted in all parts of the County and a complete list of facilities and sites will be provided to the selected vendor. Additionally, SJCDPW intends to upgrade the remote monitoring of four flares at the SJCDPW landfill sites. The selected vendor will install and configure the hardware including field devices, field UPS, and SCADA panels at each site. SJCDPW will procure the necessary software and hardware. VENDOR will provide testing and training services to SJCDPW staff as part of project closeout delivery. The deadline for submitting technical proposals to SJCDPW will be no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, August 30, 2024. SJCDPW’s standard business practice strives to ensure that a consultant’s professional qualifications meet the needs and services to be performed, the payment method is appropriate, and the cost is fair and reasonable to the public agency. A copy of SJCDPW-RFP-24-05A is available to view at the Internet address: and . All prospective consultants must register for solicitation No. SJCDPW-RFP-24-05A to be added to the Proposers’ List and, if necessary, receive a Notice of Release of Addendum. It is imperative that prospective consultants check the solicitation Web page often for the status and/or modifications. Alternative arrangements may be made to secure a hard copy of SJCDPW-RFP-24-05A or general questions regarding the solicitation by contacting Mr. Nhan Tran, Management Analyst II, at email address: .
09/16/2024 11:00 PM UTC
The San Joaquin County Department of Public Works (SJCDPW) requests technical proposals from qualified construction management (CM) firms to undertake, perform, and complete the tasks set forth in Request for Proposals(RFP) – SJCDPW-RFP-24-06. The selected CM firm will perform professional and technical engineering services for the proposed Bollea Road Bridge Replacement over Bear Creek, Federal Aid Project No. BRLO-5929(236) (PROJECT). Estimated Construction Contract Award Date: November 6, 2024 Estimated Construction Contractor Start Date: January 2, 2025 (Bird Netting Only) Estimated Bridge Construction Start Date: May 1, 2025 Estimated Bridge Construction Duration: 125 Working Days Total Estimated Contractor’s Contract (Netting + Bridge Construction) Duration: 208 Working Days The deadline for submitting technical proposals to SJCDPW will be no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 13, 2024. SJCDPW’s standard business practice strives to ensure that a consultant’s professional qualifications meet the needs and services to be performed, the payment method is appropriate, and the cost is fair and reasonable to the public agency. A copy of SJCDPW-RFP-24-06 is available to view at the Internet address: and . All prospective consultants must register for solicitation No. SJCDPW-RFP-24-06 in order to be added to the Proposers’ List and, if necessary, receive a Notice of Release of Addendum and information about the pre-proposal meeting. It is imperative that prospective consultants check the solicitation Web page often for the status and/or modifications. For general questions regarding the solicitation, please contact Mr. Nhan Tran, Management Analyst II, at the telephone number (209) 953-7452 or email: .
09/13/2024 11:00 PM UTC
Thornton Water Main Looping
The work is located in Thornton, CA. The work, in general, consists of installing 3,292 linear feed of 8 inch diameter PVC pipe (AWWA C900),108 linear feet of 16 inch diameter steel casing pipe, fire hydrants, and various appurtenances for the Thornton water distribution system. The work also includes cleaning of the existing water mains via the Ice Pigging method. Base Estimate Range between $858,879 and $1,002,025
08/01/2024 08:31 PM UTC
The San Joaquin County Department of Public Works (SJCDPW) is soliciting qualifications from land surveying (LS) firms. These firms are being sought to offer professional and technical services catering to various land surveying needs on an as-needed basis, supporting diverse design and construction projects across San Joaquin County. Professional services must be conducted under the supervision of a Licensed Land Surveyor registered in California. These services may involve topographic and right-of-way surveys for design initiatives, as well as staking and project layout for construction endeavors. Design and construction projects encompass a variety of undertakings, including resurfacing, roadway reconstruction and widening, bridge replacement, scour mitigation (involving channel surveying), and embankment repairs (for slide slopes). SJCDPW will establish a list of two or three LS consulting firms. Each selected firm will provide LS services on an “on-call” basis, and a Purchase Agreement will be executed with each CONSULTANT. The “on-call” list will be in effect for a two-year period with the option of SJCDPW to extend the period for one additional year. A CONSULTANT has the option of using subconsultants, with the approval of the County, for the following: • 3D-Modeling of collected surveying data • Traffic control to facilitate the survey work The deadline for submitting qualifications to SJCDPW will be no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 26, 2024. A copy of SJCDPW-RFQ-24-03 is available to view at the following Internet address: . All prospective consultants must register for each solicitation (SJCDPW-RFQ-24-03) in order to be added to the Proposers’ List and, if necessary, receive a Notice of Release of Addendum. It is imperative that prospective consultants check the solicitation Web page often for the status and/or modifications. Alternative arrangements may be made to secure a hard copy of SJCDPW-RFQ-24-03 or general questions regarding the solicitation by contacting Mr. Nhan Tran, at
07/26/2024 11:00 PM UTC
San Joaquin County Department of Public Works (SJCDPW) requests technical proposals from qualified vendors to undertake, perform, and complete the tasks set forth in Request for Proposals (RFP) – SJCDPW-RFP-24-05. The selected qualified vendor will perform professional services for the Countywide Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA). The SCADA project will allow for system monitoring and control elements for County managed districts. The purpose is to increase the longevity of current capital infrastructure, allow the ability to detect early failures more efficiently, reduce future utility maintenance and operations costs, and reduce complete replacement costs for these utility systems. The SJCDPW Utilities Maintenance Division operates and maintains 30 water distribution systems (including 52 wells), 70 storm drain pumps, 3 sewage treatment plants, and 9 sewage lift stations. These operations are conducted in all parts of the County and a complete list of facilities and sites will be provided to the selected vendor. Additionally, SJCDPW intends to upgrade the remote monitoring of four flares at the SJCDPW landfill sites. The selected vendor will install and configure the hardware including field devices, field UPS, and SCADA panels at each site. SJCDPW will procure the necessary software and hardware. VENDOR will provide testing and training services to SJCDPW staff as part of project closeout delivery. The deadline for submitting technical proposals to SJCDPW will be no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 19, 2024. SJCDPW’s standard business practice strives to ensure that a consultant’s professional qualifications meet the needs and services to be performed, the payment method is appropriate, and the cost is fair and reasonable to the public agency. A copy of SJCDPW-RFP-24-05 is available to view at the Internet address: and . All prospective consultants must register for solicitation No. SJCDPW-RFP-24-05 to be added to the Proposers’ List and, if necessary, receive a Notice of Release of Addendum. It is imperative that prospective consultants check the solicitation Web page often for the status and/or modifications. Alternative arrangements may be made to secure a hard copy of SJCDPW-RFP-24-05 or general questions regarding the solicitation by contacting Mr. Nhan Tran, Management Analyst II, at email address: .
07/24/2024 11:00 PM UTC
San Joaquin County Department of Public Works (SJCDPW) requests technical proposals from qualified consulting firms to undertake, perform, and complete the tasks set forth in Request for Proposals (RFP) – SJCDPW-RFP-24-04. The selected qualified consulting management firm (FIRM) will perform professional services for the Advanced Clean Energy Fleet Transition Assessment Plan (PLAN). The selected consultant will perform analytical and technical services for the proposed PLAN to develop a Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) adoption plan for our fleet to remain in compliance with the California Air Resources Board (CARB), Advanced Clean Fleet regulations (ACF) for government agencies The PLAN will address all vehicles and departments within the San Joaquin County. FIRM will be requested to enter into a Consulting Services Agreement with San Joaquin County (County). All work shall comply with San Joaquin County Policies. The requested professional services shall include, but will not be limited to, the following: • Analyze the current County fleet, ZEV marketplace, and infrastructure • Analyze and identify products within the marketplace that are equitable replacements for existing ICE vehicles • Analyze and identify infrastructure to meet ZEV charging requirements for each location • Develop a plan to introduce ZEVs into San Joaquin County’s fleet and maintain compliance with CARB ACF • Analyze and identify funding sources for ZEVs and infrastructure i.e.: grants, low cost lending, etc. The deadline for submitting technical proposals to SJCDPW will be no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 15, 2024. SJCDPW’s standard business practice strives to ensure that a consultant’s professional qualifications meet the needs and services to be performed, the payment method is appropriate, and the cost is fair and reasonable to the public agency. A copy of SJCDPW-RFP-24-04 is available to view at the Internet address: and . All prospective consultants must register for solicitation No. SJCDPW-RFP-24-04 to be added to the Proposers’ List and, if necessary, receive a Notice of Release of Addendum. It is imperative that prospective consultants check the solicitation Web page often for the status and/or modifications. Alternative arrangements may be made to secure a hard copy of SJCDPW-RFP-24-04 or general questions regarding the solicitation by contacting Mr. Nhan Tran, Management Analyst II, at email address: .
07/15/2024 11:00 PM UTC
11 - 20 of 222 Solicitations
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