General Info

Business Logo

State of Oklahoma, Division of Capital Assets Management, Construction & Properties

1915 N Stiles Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73105-4919
(405) 521-2112

See attachments for important information regarding submitting bids. 

Standard Documents

Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
CAP24-0120 - Spiro Mounds Museum Restroom Renovation - Spiro, OK - OHS
02/18/2025 08:00 PM UTC
The Project consists of the upgrade of the existing two (2) passenger elevators, including equipment replacement, cab finish replacement, and miscellaneous code upgrades.
02/20/2025 08:00 PM UTC
The Project consists of the upgrade of the existing four (4) passenger elevators and one (1) freight elevator, including equipment replacement, cab finish replacement and miscellaneous code upgrades.
02/20/2025 08:00 PM UTC
The Project consists of the replacement of existing curtainwall at the east entrance to the Denver Davison Building with new curtainwall. Project includes the replacement of interior floor tile at the vestibule and a portion of the exterior to allow for waterproofing of the slab edge and improved drainage at the entrance.
02/20/2025 08:00 PM UTC
Demo and replace the existing carpet in building C of the CLEET training center at 2401 Egypt Road, Ada, Oklahoma, 74820. The project will consist of both classrooms and corridors. The square footage of the carpet to be replaced will be 20269 SF. The vendor will provide all labor, carpet, adhesive, nosing, transitions, and cove base or other materials required to install and complete the project. After removing the existing carpet, the vendor will be responsible for scraping, cleaning, or preparing the slab for proper adhesion. The agency will be responsible for moving furniture.
02/25/2025 08:00 PM UTC
Replacement of existing electrical distribution equipment such as panelboards, load centers, and transformers with new equipment. Removing existing transformers from the electrical closets and installing new transformers in the basement mechanical room. Addition of mechanical units in the basement to provide required cooling for transformers.
02/27/2025 08:00 PM UTC
The Project consists of the base bid construction of an addition to the existing Career Center building, renovation of the existing building, associated site and utility work, and new perimeter fencing.
03/20/2025 07:00 PM UTC
CAP24-0326 - Therapy Center Replacement of Boiler & Chiller with HVAC - Ft. Supply, OK - ODMHSAS
03/20/2025 07:00 PM UTC
8 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
CAP-000364 DEQ HVAC Maintenance Repairs and Component Replacements
CAP-000364 DEQ HVAC Maintenance Repairs and Component Replacements, OKC, OK
07/26/2022 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000367 DEQ On-Call Electrical Services
CAP-000367 DEQ On-Call Electrical Services, OKC, OK
07/21/2022 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000391 Eastern Red Cedar Tree Removal through Mastication
Eastern Red Cedar Tree Removal through Mastication - Packsaddle WMA - ODWC
07/21/2022 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000341 HVAC Operational Maintenance
CAP-000341 HVAC Operational Maintenance Oklahoma City, OK
06/23/2022 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000327 Epoxy and Carpet Flooring Project
CAP-000327 Epoxy and Carpet Flooring Project Pryor, OK Building 423
06/16/2022 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000331 HVAC System Replacement - Administration Building
CAP-000331 HVAC System Replacement - Administration Building, Tishomingo OK
06/07/2022 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000340 Elevator Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair
CAP-000340 Elevator Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair Multiple Locations
06/07/2022 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000336 On-Call Tree Maintenance
CAP-000336 On-Call Tree Maintenance Various Building Grounds, OKC, OK
06/07/2022 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000329 HVAC Mechanical Maintenance and Repair
CAP-000329 HVAC Mechanical Maintenance and Repair - DPS - Various DPS Locations
05/31/2022 07:00 PM UTC
CAP-000323 Glass and Window Cleaning Service Contract
CAP-000323 Glass and Window Cleaning Service Contract, Oklahoma Capitol Complex
05/26/2022 07:00 PM UTC
171 - 180 of 533 Solicitations
1 2 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 53 54