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City of San Rafael

111 Morphew St, San Rafael, CA 94901-5508
(415) 419-6841

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How To Bid Using Bid Express.pdf (306 KB)
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Sun Valley Park Playground Improvements
As described in the plans and specifications, the project scope of work consists of construction of an accessible path entering and through the park, sidewalk, hand rails, drainage improvements, removal and replacement of playground equipment, benches, and fencing with a gate. Estimated Cost: $546,000 ↓ Bid Opening on Microsoft Teams ↓ Meeting ID: 216 582 566 804 Passcode: A3AY6e Or call in (audio only) +1 209-215-5196,,245384437# United States, Stockton Phone Conference ID: 245 384 437#
10/18/2022 09:00 PM UTC
RFP for Landscape Architectural and Engineering Design Services for the Pickleweed Park Enhancement project
The City of San Rafael hereby requests proposals for the Pickleweed Park Enhancement Project. The Project will require the expertise of multiple disciplines including but not limited to civil, electrical, environmental, geotechnical, landscape architectural, and structural; therefore, it is the intent of the City to hire a qualified consultant who can provide both design and project management services. The project design scope includes: • Installing a new basketball/sport court to the southeast of the soccer field, • Upgrading a Play Area located west of the soccer field for children under the age of five years old by installing play features, • Installing an outdoor multi-station fitness/exercise area to the southwest of the Play Area for adults, • Renovating the existing restrooms located southeast of the soccer field, • Installing drought resistant landscaping, bioswales, trees, and other irrigation improvements in the parks and surrounding walkways, • Installing a gazebo in the existing picnic areas, • Expanding existing asphalt surface parking lot, and • Installing lighting and security cameras for improved security.
09/27/2022 09:00 PM UTC
San Quentin Pump Station Reconstruction
The project scope of work consists of the following elements as described in the plans and specs: • Demolition of existing pump station and disconnection of existing utility connections • Construction of new pump station and related elements • Slip-lining of the existing discharge pipe and installation of an inline vault with flap gate • Installation of temporary bypass storm drain Bidders’ Conference. A bidders’ conference will be held on August 4, 2022 at 1:00 pm, at the existing pump station, to acquaint all prospective bidders with the Contract Documents and the Worksite. The bidders’ conference is not mandatory. Engineer's Estimate: $3.3 million ↓ Bid Opening on Microsoft Teams ↓ Meeting ID: 269 809 140 158 Passcode: 9x7Azr Or call in (audio only) +1 209-215-5196,,166296237# United States, Stockton Phone Conference ID: 166 296 237#
09/01/2022 09:00 PM UTC
RFP for Construction Management, Inspection, and Testing Services for the San Quentin Pump Station Reconstruction Project
The City of San Rafael hereby requests proposals from qualified consultants to provide construction management, inspection, and material testing services for the San Quentin Pump Station Reconstruction Project. Among other items, the Project scope of work consists of the following elements as more fully shown in the attached Project Plans: • Demolition of existing pump station and disconnection of existing utility connections • Construction of new pump station and related elements • Slip-lining of the existing discharge pipe and installation of an inline vault with flap gate • Installation of temporary bypass storm drain
07/21/2022 09:00 PM UTC
Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications Project
The Project is located at Spinnaker Point which is the City of San Rafael. The project includes the construction of curb ramps, sidewalk, curb and gutter, storm drain improvements removal and installation of vehicular concrete, cold planning asphalt concrete, resurfacing of the roadway, and installation of new striping. Engineer's Estimate: $850,000 Questions must be received by: July 7, 2022 @ 5:00PM
07/19/2022 09:00 PM UTC
City of San Rafael 2022/23 Slurry Seal Project
The Project is located in the City of San Rafael and is described as follows: the removal of existing striping, the placement of crack seal and slurry seal on various roads, and installation of new striping. The estimated construction cost is $ 750,000 The Project must be fully completed within 30 working days from the start date set forth in the Notice to Proceed. City anticipates that the Work will begin on or about September 2022, but the anticipated start date is provided solely for convenience and is neither certain nor binding. CITY PROJECT NO. 11415 CITY FILE NO. 06.06.97
07/12/2022 06:00 PM UTC
South San Rafael Hill Fuels Project - Extended
The City of San Rafael hereby requests proposals for Professional Services for the City's South San Rafael Hill Fuels Project. The City of San Rafael, through its Fire Department ("City"), is soliciting proposals from qualified and licensed tree service and forestry contractors that are duly registered and licensed with either a C61-D49 or C27-D49 license in the State of California, to provide fuel reduction and vegetation clearance services within predefined areas of San Rafael including City of San Rafael Owned open space and land owned by the Elk's Club.
06/09/2022 11:00 PM UTC
South San Rafael Hill Fuels Project
The City of San Rafael hereby requests proposals for Professional Services for the City’s South San Rafael Hill Fuels Project The City of San Rafael, through its Fire Department (“City”), is soliciting proposals from qualified and licensed tree service and forestry contractors that are duly registered and licensed with either a C61-D49 or C27-D49 license in the State of California, to provide fuel reduction and vegetation clearance services within predefined areas of San Rafael including City of San Rafael Owned open space and land owned by the Elk’s Club.
06/08/2022 08:00 PM UTC
City of San Rafael 2021/22 Slurry Seal Project
The Project is located in the City of San Rafael and is described as follows: the removal of existing striping, the placement of crack seal and slurry seal on various roads, and installation of new striping. The estimated construction cost is $1,200,000 The Project must be fully completed within 30 working days from the start date set forth in the Notice to Proceed. City anticipates that the Work will begin on or about July 2022, but the anticipated start date is provided solely for convenience and is neither certain nor binding. CITY PROJECT NO. 11410 CITY FILE NO. 16.06.96
05/19/2022 06:00 PM UTC
Stagecoach Road Defensible Space Fuel Reduction
The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals for fuel reduction services in two project areas: Stagecoach Road and Manuel T. Freitas. This work is intended to mitigate hazards in open space areas by significantly reducing vegetation that fuels wildfires and the subsequent soil erosion and run-off of burned areas.
04/25/2022 08:00 PM UTC
31 - 40 of 73 Solicitations
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