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Milwaukee County

633 W Wisconsin Ave SUITE 1000, Milwaukee, WI 53203-1918
(414) 278-4861

Welcome to Milwaukee County’s online public works bidding website. Please take a moment to review upcoming solicitations.

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Upcoming Solicitations

Number Deadline
Kitchen Equipment Maintenance Request For Proposal
Milwaukee County is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to provide comprehensive maintenance services, to include transportation, labor, equipment, tools, parts, and materials for kitchen equipment across multiple County facilities. These facilities include, but are not limited to: • Community Reintegration Center (CRC) • Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) • Youth Detention Center (YDC) PreBid Meeting: Mandatory one person, in person per contractor. Teams link available for additional members. Meeting & Tour of 3 facilities start at CRC (8885 South 68th Street) on January 24th, 2025 at 8:30am. At front reception area. Required to enter through security. The attached background form needs to be completed (including a copy of their driver's license and a minimum of at least the last four digits of their social security number), submitted back to Milwaukee County. Our backgrounds team requires up to 48hrs to run the checks on each individual. Once approved, their names go on the approved visiting list. Anyone who does not get approved prior to the visit, will not be allowed inside past the main lobby.
02/19/2025 08:00 PM UTC
WA0433 MKE Passenger Loading Bridge Replacement
This project is for the replacement of three existing loading bridges in Concourse C (C9, C11, C25), with eleven additional bridges in alternates. The replacements include: the loading bridge itself, PC Air, GPU, and electrical connections. Pre-Bid meeting will be done virtually via Teams. To acquire the meeting link to the pre bid meeting, please contact Kwame Amegashitsi at prior to Monday, February 10, 2025, at 5:00PM. Later requests are not guaranteed a timely response. Bids are due no later than no later than 2 P.M., Wednesday, February 26, 2025. Bids are to be completed online in Bid Express internet Bidding System. Project Contact: Kwame Amegashitsi Contact Email:
02/26/2025 08:00 PM UTC
WA0221: GMIA MKE International Terminal Redevelopment
This project includes the construction of a new International Terminal Building that will be attached the main terminal building. Work includes site work, excavation, selective demolition, construction, fueling system work. Work will be divided up into Bid Packages. Pre-Bid Meeting: Pre bid meeting date / time is Thursday, February 13th, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The pre-bid meeting will be done virtually via Teams. To acquire the meeting link, please contact James Hart at prior to Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 at 5:00PM. Later requests are not guaranteed a timely response. Pre-Bid Site Visit: Will be in person and meeting date / time is Friday, February 14th, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. To register anticipated attendees for site visit, please contact James Hart at prior to Thursday, February 13th, 2025 at 2:00PM. Later requests are not guaranteed access. Attendees will go through security screening; Driver’s license is required. To bid, the site visit is MANDATORY for Prime Contractors. Reasonable requests for additional site visits will be considered at Milwaukee County’s discretion.
03/05/2025 08:00 PM UTC
WC0227 Milwaukee County Courthouse Elevator Modernization
The elevators in the Milwaukee County Courthouse need to be modernized. This project addresses the modernization of 13 elevators. The Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting is on Monday, 02/24/25 from 10:00am - 12:00pm at 901 N 9th St, Milwaukee, WI 53233 Room G1. Pre-Registration is Required. for this meeting. Please contact Martina Foss Ashworth at to register. Project Contact: Martina Foss Ashworth Contact Email:
03/27/2025 07:00 PM UTC
4 Solicitations

Closed Solicitations

Number Deadline
WP074901: Oak Leaf Trail Extension Kohl Park Connection
Contract Description: Contract 1: Clearing and grubbing of trees, stumps, and roots to a depth of 12 inches below adjacent ground. Mow, brush, grub, clear all vegetation. 23,600 SY (4.88 AC). Optional Pre-Bid Meeting: Monday February 3rd, 2025, at 10 AM. Meet outside at Mequon Nature Preserve near W. County Line Rd. This onsite walkthrough and meeting for contractors to visualize project. This meeting is to explain requirements and ask questions.
02/13/2025 08:00 PM UTC
Contract Description: Contract 1: Clearing and grubbing of trees, stumps, and roots to a depth of 12 inches below adjacent ground. Mow, brush, grub, clear all vegetation. 9,230 SY (1.91 AC). Optional Pre-Bid Meeting: Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, at 1 PM. - Meet outside at Bender Park Boat Launch Area.
02/13/2025 08:00 PM UTC
WH0260012 S. 76th Street (CTH U) S. County Line Rd. to S. Creekview Ct. Highway Reconstruction
Contract Description: The work under this contract consists of removing concrete paving, asphaltic surface milling, grading, base aggregate dense, concrete paving, HMA pavement, concrete curb & gutter, guardrail, erosion control, restoration, permanent signing, pavement marking, traffic control, replacing existing cross culverts, and all incidental items necessary to complete the work as shown on the plans and included in the proposal and contract. This project is part of the County Highway Improvement Discretionary (CHID) program.
02/05/2025 08:00 PM UTC
WO0643012 War Memorial Center Flood Mitigation
The Project includes construction services to decouple the existing sewer connection. A new vault will be installed to house 4 stormwater pumps that will connect to an existing manhole located to the south. Project will include all associated plumbing and electrical work to ensure the new system runs properly. A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held 12/20/2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the: War Memorial Center 750 North Lincoln Memorial Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53202. Plan to meet at Lower-Level, North Entrance near the security desk.
01/22/2025 08:00 PM UTC
WY012302: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: Improvements For Parks: King Park Berm
Contract Description: Work of the Project includes removal and regulated disposal of all proposed excavated and tree materials associated with the King Park Berm on the northwest side of the park in accordance with the plans, specifications, and permit requirements. Pre-Bid Meeting: October 25th, 2024 at 1pm Non-Mandatory Teams Meeting: Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 266 857 100 773 Passcode: fmz56X
11/08/2024 08:00 PM UTC
WH0281012 128th ARW College Avenue (CTH ZZ) Modifications
Construct a left turn lane and driveway on East College Avenue, County Trunk Highway (CTH ZZ) located 250 feet west of the Union Pacific railroad tracks in the City of Oak Creek, for the benefit of the Wisconsin Air National Guard 128th Air Refueling Wing (128th ARW). The work under this contract shall consist of removing pavement, grading, aggregate base, concrete pavement, concrete driveway, concrete curb and gutter, relocating existing light pole, and all incidental items necessary to complete the work as shown on the plans and included in the proposal and contract.
11/01/2024 07:00 PM UTC
WJ0113 Disaster Recovery Back-up Power at Community Reintegration Center (CRC).
This contract involves the addition of a second electrical feeder to the Community Reintegration Center facility. Bidding document distribution will be online in Bid Express internet Bidding System at Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting: Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, at 10:30 AM. Meet at the Community Reintegration Center at 8885 S. 68th Street, Franklin, WI 53132. Please plan on meeting in the lobby for expedited security protocols. Please be prompt. Bids are due no later than Wednesday, October 23rd ,2024 at 2:00 P.M. Bids are to be completed online in Bid Express internet Bidding System at: Project Contact: Andy Tran Contact Email:
10/23/2024 07:00 PM UTC
WP068801 McKinley Marina Boat Launch Improvements
Improving the McKinley Marina Boat Launch includes reconstructing the boat launch, dredging, and disposal of excess material and debris next to the boat launch. Work includes 8” thick reinforced cast-in-place concrete with textured “v” grooves and 8" thick pre-cast (on-site or off-site) reinforced and textured "v" grooves concrete panels as prescribed in the plans. Other work includes dredging sediment (sand) and disposal offsite.
10/22/2024 07:00 PM UTC
5045-23002 MKE South Ramp Taxi Lane Strengthening
This project includes pavement rehabilitation of the south ramp taxi lane at Milwaukee County’s General Mitchell International Airport (MKE). Included in this contract is substantial grading, concrete paving, construction of sewer and underdrains, asphalt, landscaping, pavement marking, and airfield electrical changes. Pre-Bid Meeting: Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 at 10:00am CST, held in the Sijan Conference Room, in the GMIA Main Terminal (Located before security in hallway behind Museum/USO), 5300 South Howell Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
10/16/2024 07:00 PM UTC
WY012302 Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
Work of the Project includes removal and regulated disposal of all proposed excavated and tree materials associated with the King Park Berm on northwest side of the park in accordance with the plans, specifications, and permit requirements. Pre-Bid Meeting: September 11, 2024 at 9:00am. See advertisement for Microsoft Teams Link.
09/27/2024 07:00 PM UTC
1 - 10 of 286 Solicitations
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